Monday, November 28, 2011

Google Urges Companies to GoMo (Go Mobile)

Google is urging companies to make websites that are compatible with mobile devices. This new campaign smartly follows the trend of digitalization and mobilization. Companies obviously know that having a great website today is key since people are constantly online. However, Google wants companies to realize that they need to take it a step further. Sure, it may seem like enough to have cool videos, pictures and music on your main screen, but believe it or not, your site is going to be viewed on tablets and smart-phones regularly. All of the hard work put into the high-tech extras will be a waste when they show up empty or with several errors...just like this page I tried to open on my phone.

The campaign has a microsite at that has tutorial videos (which can also be found on youtube) that teach companies how to change their websites to become mobile-friendly. The microsite also has a "GoMoMeter" which depicts what normal websites look like on mobile phones and tablets. Google hopes this will be an eye-opener for companies and get them to convert their sites. There is also a blog at with continuous updates and news.

Google's tactics reminded me of Hubspot's Marketing Grader. Their Marketing Grader is undergoing updates and improvements which include many attributes that help companies with personalized steps that will advance your website. Some of the services included are, how to optimize your site for mobile users and how to attract more unique visitors and traffic in general.

I believe Google needs to take the extra step and cater to the companies on a more personal level like Hubspot's service. The campaign seems more of an awareness tactic than personally solving the problem. While this campaign is helpful and necessary, I think that power-house Google can make a more effective difference.

I tested out my blog on the GoMoMeter and it passed all the tests with the exception that you need to "pinch" or zoom in order to read it all. Maybe I should use less words!

Do you use a mobile device to surf the web? Have you ever had problems viewing a website on your mobile device? Should all companies GoMo? Should Google help them or should companies go to other companies (like Hubspot or HTP Company) for help?

Stamp of Approval,
The AD Judge

NYT Article

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